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Twelfth Night  
by William Shakespeare
Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
20 - 24 July 2021
Director - Tim Lodge


Speed The Plow
by David Mamet
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
27, 28 29 February
Director - Tim Lodge


The Lady From The Sea
by Henrik Ibsen
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds

7, 8 & 9 November
Director - Tim Lodge


by Harold Pinter
​​​​​Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
27 - 29 September 2019
​Director - John Levantis


A Midsummer Night's Dream 
by William Shakespeare
Abbey Gardens 
9 - 13 July
Director - Tim Lodge


The Real Inspector Hound
by Tom Stoppard
​Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
25, 26 & 27 April
Director - Adam Thurkettle


No Exit (Huis Clos)
by Jean-Paul Sartre

(translation by Stuart Gilbert)
​Unitarian Meeting House, 
Bury St Edmunds
7 - 9 March
Director - Gwen Owen


Tomb With a View
by Norman Robbins
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds

16 - 18 November 2018
Director - Susan Richardson


Lysistrata - The Sex Strike
by Harold Pinter
​​​​​Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds

8 - 10 November
​Director - Tim Lodge


by Moliere
​​(translation by Maya Slater)

Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds

5 - 7 October
​Director - Maggie Kinnear-King


The Merchant of Venice

by William Shakespeare

​Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds 
29 July - 4 August
Director - Tim Lodge


The Hollow
by Agatha Christie
Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds
27 - 30 June
Director - Chris Lines


The Anger of Angels
by John Goldman
Constitutional Club, Bury St Edmunds
19 April 
arian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
21 April
Director - Gwen Owen


Animal Farm
by George Orwell
​​​​​Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
12 - 14 April
Director - Josh Brown


The Good Person of Szechwan
by Bertolt Brecht
​Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds 
16 - 18 January
Director - Tim Lodge


As You Like It  
by William Shakespeare
​Museum of East Anglian Life, Stowmarket
29 & 30 June
Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
4 - 8 July
Director - Maggie Kinnear-King


by Tom Stoppard
Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds
30 May - 3 June
Director - Chris Lines


The Drowning Girls
by Beth Graham, Charlie Tomlinson & Daneila Vlaskalic
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
31 March, 1, 7-8 & 14 April
​Director - Josh Brown


Anna Karenina
Adapted from Leo Tolstoy's novel by Helen Edmundson
Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds
24 - 28 January
​Director - Tim Lodge


Farndale Avenue Townswomen's Guild - Murder at Checkmate Manor  
by Helen Edmundson

Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
​17, 18 & 19 November
Director - Susan Richardson


Marge and Jules & 'John of Beverley'

Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
11 & 12 November


by Michael Frayn
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds

30 September plus 1, 8 & 18 October
​Director - John Goldman


Much Ado About Nothing
'Shakespeare in the Park'

Outdoors at the Museum of East Anglian Life, Stowmarket
1 - 2 July
Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
5 - 9 July
​Director - Tim Lodge


The Ladykillers
by Graham Linehan

Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds
​Director - Chris Lines


The Sign of Four
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
​Director - Josh Brown


The Duchess of Mali
by John Webster
Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds
26-30 January
​Director - Tim Lodge



Boston Marriage
by David Mamet
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
3-5 December
​Director - Maggie Kinnear-King


Accidental Death of an Anarchist
by Dario Fo​
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
22-24 October
Director – Chris Lines


Romeo and Juliet
by William Shakespeare
​'Shakespeare in the Park'
Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
7 - 11 July
Director – Tim Lodge


Hay Fever
by Noel Coward
Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds
9 - 13 June
Director - Chris Lines


by Reg Wright
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
23 - 25 April
Director - Susan Richardson


Up the Pole
by Art Tanner
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
23 - 25 April
Director - Julia Salmon


Dr Faustus
by Christopher Marlowe
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
19 - 21 Feb
​Director - Tim Lodge 



The Comedy of the Virtuous and Godly Susanna
by Thomas Garter
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
23, 24 & 25 October
​Director - Tim Lodge


Woman in Mind
by Alan Ayckbourn 
Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds
15 - 18 July
​Director - Chris Lines


Twelfth Night
by William Shakepeare
​'Shakespeare in the Park'
Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
26 - 28 June
r - Tim Lodge


Being English
A series of short sketches & a play about life in England today
Unitarian Meeting House,

Bury St Edmunds
10 - 12 April
Directors - Various


by George Bernard Shaw
Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds
4 - 8 February
​Director - Chris Lines



Speed the Plow
by David Mamet
Unitarian Meeting House, Bury St Edmunds
14 - 16 November


The Graduate
Adapted for stage by Terry Johnson
Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds
1 - 5 October
​Director - Chris Lines


The Tempest
by William Shakespeare
​'Shakespeare in the Park'
Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
20 - 22 June
​Director - Tim Lodge


Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds
Director - Chris Lines


Lettice & Lovage
by Peter Shaffer 
Athenaeum, Bury St Edmunds


American Dream
By Edward Albee 
United Reform Church,

Bury St Edmunds


Do You Know What I Mean?
by John Goldman 
United Reform Church,

Bury St Edmunds


A Midsummer Night's Dream
by William Shakespeare 
'Shakespeare in the Park'
Abbey Gardens,

Bury St Edmunds
Director - Tim Lodge


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